International Journal of Computer Science and Research

ISSN : 2210-9668

Guide for Authors


1. Manuscript Template
2. Copyright Form

Guidelines for Authors

The objective of the journal is to provide a vivid forum for the conveyance of original research papers and timely review articles on computer science and research. IJCSR will publish only articles of the highest quality. Submissions will be evaluated on their originality and relevance. IJCSR invites submissions in all areas of Computer Science, especially the scope of the journal is reflected by the specialties of the board of editors.

The Journal considers all manuscripts on the strict condition that they have been submitted only to the Journal, that they have not been published already, nor are they under consideration for publication or in press elsewhere.

Manuscripts may be submitted either electronically by e-mail attachment to the Editor ( The text file format should be word doc for PC, with Times New Roman, with font size 10 points, with 1 inches margins, and formatted as Letter (or 8.5 x 11) paper size. Each page of the manuscript should be consecutively numbered. The manuscript should contain the article type (please see the aim and scope section of the Journal), title of the article, name(s) of the author(s), affiliation(s) address(es), abstract, 3-5 keywords, and will continue with the rest of the text. The text should be formatted single spaced. The text should not be interrupted by figures or tables. The text may be divided into sections with instructive headings, starting with Introduction and closing with Conclusion.

Equations should be typewritten by the equation utility of the MS word and should be placed in a separate line in the text. Equations should be numbered consecutively e.g. (1), (2), etc. Quoting an equation in the text should be given as Eq.1, etc. Equations should be capable of fitting into a two-column print format. Vectors and matrices should be in bold and variables in italic. If your paper contains superscripts or subscripts, take special care to ensure that the positioning of the characters is unambiguous. Exponential expressions should be written using superscript notation. After an equation is given the parameters that have not been explained before, must be given immediately after. Please, avoid defining each parameter on a separate line; treat them as normal text. Do not transfer equations in the text because there are marks that do not be provided by standard text font.

References and notes should be listed at the end of the manuscript in a separate page. Notes should be treated as the references. In the text references and notes should be numbered consecutively at the time they first appear and should be given in brackets before punctuation marks (e.g. …free energy is given by Gibbs [1]: or Cahn [2], Haller et al. [3], and Cahn and Hilliard [4], and many others discussed…). In the references and notes list, a journal reference should comprise initial(s) and name(s) for all authors, name of journal, volume number in bold, first pages, and year in parenthesis. A book reference should comprise initials and name for all authors, full title, initial(s) and name(s) of the editor(s) if applicable, publisher, place of publication, page if applicable, and year in parenthesis. A note gives an explanation which the author(s) does not desire to include in the text. References may be grouped under the same number, in this case they divided from each other by semi-columns (;). A note may also contain references. Styles for conference paper, patent, thesis, standards, and web addresses are given too. Examples:

  1. D.J.Salley, A.J.Weith Jr, A.A.Argyle, and J.K.Dixon, Proc.Roy.Soc. (London) A203, 42 (1950).
  2. D.H.Everett and J.M.Haynes, J.Coll.Interface Sci. 38, 125 (1972).
  3. A.W.Adamson, Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, Wiley, New York p.7-10 (1982).
  4. Since Γ is independent form the location of the dividing surface it is possible to dispense the geometric interpretation of excess quantities and formulate a suitable algebraic method; i.e. without explicit reference to a dividing surface. For both geometric and algebraic methods see also: R.S.Hansen, J.Phys.Chem. 66, 410 (1962); F.C.Goodrich, Trans. Faraday Soc. 64, 3403 (1968).
  5. L.Jones, and D.Brown,  Proc. Int. Conf. Systems Biology, Stockholm, Sweden, pp.1-7 (2006).
  6. F.Brown, British Patent 123456 (2004).
  7. N.L.Abbott, PhD thesis, MIT (2005).
  8. BS1234 (2006).

Tables should be numbered consecutively. Allow one page per table. On the top of each table should be a header (e.g. Table 1 Statistical data). Each table should be referred to explicitly in the text. Quoting a table in the text should be given as Tab.1, etc. Note that tables should be concise and again they must have a plain aesthetic. Avoid grey colours, too many lines, and other exaggerated presentations.

Figures should be numbered consecutively. Allow one page per figure. Each figure should be referred to explicitly in the text. Quoting a figure in the text should be given as Fig.1, etc. Note that figures should depict only the necessary things and again figures must have an artistic aesthetic. Avoid boxes that explain the lines and the points of a graph, or grid lines, or headers, etc. Name the axes and when applicable define the scales in SI units. Provide an instructive caption, as lengthy as it needs, under each figure.

Algorithms should not be boxed and should be set as normal text, not as a figure or a table.

Computer code will be set in two columns. This means that a long line of computer code that fits on to one single-column page may have to be separated into two lines when typeset. Please take this into account when writing any code. Code may be typeset in the form of a figure to enable full-page-width.

Appendices and supplementary material e.g. mathematical derivations that may interrupt the flow of your paper's argument should form a separate Appendix section.

Acronyms and abbreviations should be clearly defined on their first occurrence in the text by writing the term out in full and following it with the abbreviation in round brackets.

Acknowledgments should appear between the Conclusions and References sections.

Copyright Licensing Agreement is required for all papers. These should be posted to the Editor once you have got the acceptance of your paper.

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