International Journal of Computer Science and Research

ISSN : 2210-9668

Welcome to International Journal of Computer Science and Research (IJCSR).

The main scope of the International Journal of Computer Science and Research (IJCSR) is to serve society through excellence in education, research, service, and to develop new knowledge and technologies to benefit people from all academic and professional research community to industry professionals in a series of topics in computer science and engineering in general and computer security, biometrics and bioinformatics, image processing, netowrk security, Wireless, Data mining and signal processing.

International Journal of Computer Science and Research (IJCSR) is a scholarly peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary and fully refereed journal focusing on theories, methods and applications in computer science. This journal has subscription based model and open access model. The author can decide which model they want to be published.

The journal encourages researchers, faculty and students who are actively involved in scientific research and / or teaching at all levels, to submit their articles for intensive peer- reviewing and expedite publishing. Individuals from small and non-research oriented institutions are especially encouraged to submit their original articles for publication consideration.

Submission of an article implies that it is an unpublished work. Authors must assure that no part of the submitted article has been published nor submitted for publication consideration elsewhere.

The journal covers all areas of computer science, publishing refereed original research articles. The journal reviews papers within approximately three months of submission and publishes accepted articles on the internet immediately upon receiving the final versions.

International Journal of Computer Science and Research (IJCSR) seeks to publish quality theoretical or empirical research articles, case studies, Short Communications in Computer Science fields.

Submission: Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically to with mention journal title (IJCSR) in subject line.

Indexing and Abstracting: The IJCSR will be Abstracted and Indexed in ACM Computing Reviews, ACM Guide to Computing Literature, DBLP, EBSCO database, Google Scholar, Scopus, Index Copernicus, SCIRUS, GALE, INTUTE, Ulrich's & Serials Solutions and Electronic Journals Library.

Frequency: Three issues per year.

ISSN : 2210-9668

© 2025 IJCSR